Attention Industry Professionals!!! Call for Shorts from the frontline….
The editorial team of Creative Industries Cluster Journal (CICJ) are seeking four short pieces of writing, video or audio from industry professionals working on the frontline of art and culture at grassroots level. Written pieces should not exceed 800 words. Video or audio submission should not exceed 15 minutes in length and be in a file format suitable for hosting on Word Press.
The theme we would like to address is “Borders and Hinterlands”. We would like to hear your thoughts on unfunded art and culture activity that exists beyond the professionalised cultural/creative industries. Where are the edges of ‘official’ or ‘mainstream’ culture? How are cultural borders and hinterlands created or altered? What sustains marginal, unfunded cultural activity? What is the role of ‘hinterland’ culture in addressing complex societal issues? How do cultural borders and hinterlands relate to identity, belonging and community?
Contributions will be published 14th June 2019. The URL for the journal is http://makingsjournal.com/. Editorial guidelines will also be found on this website.
Deadline for submissions is 15th April 2019
Please include your name, institution, contact email and bio.