Volume 5 Issue 1 (2024)
Following on from Issue 4:1, Creative Higher Education: Curriculum and Pedagogy (2022), this issue thinks about education’s relationship to creativity beyond formal educational infrastructures. Titled ‘Gentle Gestures: contexts, spaces and approaches in and beyond the academy’, this issue aims to consider how informal, alternative, fluid or gentle positions of learning (re)articulate where, how and with whom education can happen.
Paul Alexander Stewart, Roshana Rubin Mayhew, Sophie Mak-Schram and Anouk Hoogendoorn
What We Need to Be Here: Pedagogical Practices of Access and Prioritising People
Jo O’Brien and Sunny Nestler
Barely Caring: Art, Care and the End of the World
Sunshine Wong
Getting Ready (for a Night Out with the Girls)
Hannah Clarkson
A Polyphonic Essay… on Curatorial Polyphony
Dr Gayle Meikle and Dr Alexandra Ross
Breathing as a Gentle Gesture
Lukas Lund
Mareike Dobewall
Learning with and from Plants in Growing Abolition
Jessica Santone
Documenting a Gentle Resistance
Andrew Wilson
Carrying the Craft | Podcast
Alis Oldfield and Christine Borland
Gathering Press: Towards Environmentally Resonant Pedagogies
Laura Onions
Rivers, Webs and Nets: Channelling Creative and Collective Enquiry at Heart of Glass
Emeri Curd, Patrick Fox, Emily Gee, Kate Houlton
ISSN 2752-3861